The male nurse did not only threaten to kill Jewish people but said that he did do so. His patient list must be investigated

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You are exactly right.

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Yeah, I’d be immediately reviewing every case of a patient who died under both of their care

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Perhaps you might want to watch the unedited version of what was a private chat on a non public chat app that the Israeli man decided to record without their knowledge and then share online, again without their knowledge. He told them in the chat that he was an Israeli soldier who had killed Palestinians. You have to take the context into account.

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Bullshit,I saw the video and you're lying

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Perhaps you saw the edited version he originally put out. The Australian police needed the full version to have any hope of charging the nurses with anything. He provided the unedited piece, but given he is the only one who recorded it and the nurses were unaware it was being recorded, it's unlikely the recording could be used in evidence.

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Saw the entire video. You are lying. Why do you support people and a ideology that you can only defend by lying? What is wrong with you?

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Muslims don't assimilate. They come to dominate and submit you.

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A more accurate assessment is that they conform as long as their numbers remain below a certain threshold. Once they accumulate critical mass and there is some trigger issue like the Gaza war then the dam breaks open and you have a hostile ethno-religious enclave that is too late to do anything about.

We desperately need to return to selectivity in immigration and refugee intakes. No more PC BS about "racism".

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Michel Houllebecq's 'Submission' was absolutely prophetic. Raspail's work even more so.

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I have no skin in your game, but please forget assimilation and integration. While everyone is faking shock and horror, the Muslims are having babies at a rate that will eventually out-populate the Australian population as they are doing throughout Europe and the arrogance of the nurses is driven by the fact that they know it and the average Australian is pretty dumb on this issue. The politicians are vote seekers so they don’t rock the boat. Pretty sad!

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Moral clarity and decency. Great work, Drew!

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Thank you mate

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Fantastic article. The issue as I see it is that Islam is not compatible with western values. This was clear to me when I travelled through the Middle East 30 years ago when westerners were being murdered in Egypt in terrorists acts. When young sexually repressed men on the street were paying for pages of a women’s weekly type magazine which contained images of women in lingerie and/or street clothes. There are passages in the Quran which are explicit in their intolerance of non believers. The religion promotes pedophilia, religious intolerance and hate particularly against Jews. No surprise really when the ‘prophet’ was a warmongering pedophile who killed non believers by beheading them. How is it ok to criticise the Roman Catholic Church for their role in covering up pedophilia but any criticism of Islam results in threats of Islamophobia and in many cases murder. Think Salman Rushdie and Charlie Hebdo. Globally Islam is responsible for almost 95% of all terrorist acts. NO OTHER religion acts this way. It’s time to shut down mosques promoting or preaching hatred. Burqas need to be banned and public prayer rooms removed. Citizenships need to be revoked. Look at the UK and the rape gang scandal where Islam has infiltrated so far that rapists are protected as not to offend the broader culture. It’s sick. This is what is coming if we don’t nip it in the bud. This is Duttons moment. Seize it.

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Excellent comment. I agree with every point.

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I'm American, and I used to drive around with a bumper sticker that said "I heart Muslims" because so many Muslims were being demonized in the US following 911. Now I feel like an idiot. I never ever see Muslims standing up for the Jews, who have been so brutally persecuted since 10/7. I feel as if I've been a blind idiot. Well, congrats Hamas supporters; you've turned a lot of woke liberals into Islamophobes.

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Thank you Drew. You give me hope for your generation. I hope you are sharing your views with your peers!

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Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. I hope that my generation wakes up

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Yes, Drew is a local hero, and now a national one.

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Thanks so much mate. Very kind

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He deserves it. May his influence spread far and wide, especially among the numpty young!

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Totally agree with everything you’ve written, except this: “I genuinely believe anybody can become Australian through the hard work of assimilation.” . . Nope. Parents of Australian Citizens are excluded. Our only son and two grandsons are Australian citizens, and (theoretically) we’re entitled to a Parent’s Visa, but there is a 29 yr waiting list. I would need to live to be 107 in order to qualify.

Australia would rather import jihadists, than welcome parents of their own citizens.

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That is mental.

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“New visa applications

If you lodge a new visa application, we estimate that, based on the current number of places available per year, your application may be processed according to the following timeframe:


New applications may be processed in at least

Contributory Parent visas

12 years

Parent & Aged Parent visas

29 years

Note: We generally update this information on a yearly basis.”

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Totally understand that this sucks for you and your family, but the reality is that the main purpose of immigration in Australia is, at least in theory, economic. It simply doesn't make economic sense for Australia to hand out visas to older people who have never contributed to our economic system, yet will be able to claim Medicare and pension benefits. Sorry, but this is unsustainable.

Now if the parent/ aged parent visas were not a pathway to citizenship and did not include any benefits, ie. the lives of people holding them were entirely self/ family funded, that would be a different story.

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Hi Emma, I can assure you that we are more than capable of funding ourselves, and would not be a burden on anyone. In fact, we helped to enable our son to live in Australia and buy his family home.

If/ when we died, the wealth we worked a lifetime for would remain in the country, whereas a multitude of immigrants from alien cultures bring nothing with them and become totally dependent. It’s exactly because of the Australian government’s policy that we wouldn’t want to live there.

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Parents are provided entry, just not access to Australian Medicare. The idea is that you don’t bring your aging parents to Australia to get free healthcare. You can bring them, they can enter and stay with you, but you will have to pay for all their medical care.

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Poland has banned Muslim immigration. They have no mosques and no Muslims and they have a ZERO crime rate. The prime minister of Poland said to a reporter, “Call me racist. I don’t care. The point is that my citizens are safe and prospering.”

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Poland has a native Muslim minority of Tatars. They have mosques, but are a totally assimilated minority group for centuries. There were many more before WW2, and the Polish army even had a chief Imam while fighting the Germans & Soviets.

Unfortunately Western Europe has effectively chosen to commit demographic suicide.

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That’s why I wrote “banned Muslim IMMIGRATION.” Der

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Brigitte Gabriel


Lebanon was the only Christian-majority nation in the Middle East.

It's where I was born.

We prided ourselves on inclusivity. Always welcoming Arab Muslim refugees from all over the Middle East.

We had the best economy despite having no natural oil. The best universities.

They called Beirut the "Paris of the Middle East" and the Mountains of Lebanon was a tourist destination.

My early childhood was idyllic, my father was a prosperous businessman in town and my mother was at home with me, an only child.

Slowly, the Arab Muslims began to become the majority in Lebanon and our rights began to wither away.

Soon, we would find ourselves unable to leave our small Christian town without fear of being stopped and killed by Arabs. In Lebanon your religion is on your government issued ID.

As the war intensified and the radical Islamists made their way south, my home was hit by an errant rocket and my life was forever changed.

We spent the next almost decade in a bomb shelter, scraping together pennies and eating dandelions and roots just to survive.

If it was not for Israel coming in and surrounding our town, I do not know If I would be here today.

Lebanon is now a country 100% controlled and run by Hezbollah. I lost my country of birth.

I thank God every single day I was able to immigrate to America and live out the dream that BILLIONS of people only dream of having.

Now here in America, my adopted country that I have come to love so much, I see the same threats and warning signs happening now that took place in Lebanon when I was a child.

This is my warning to you, America, reverse course now while you still can.

It's not too late to save our freedom and preserve it for the next generation.

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It's pretty simple. The Australian government should not allow any extremists to come or stay in our country. We should not be a dumping ground for the bilge of the world. Sadly, it is hard to find any Muslim that doesn't have extreme views buried in their psyche.

The multicultural experiment has failed and failed because the government has failed. Failed to adequately screen those wanting to call Australia home, failed to put the protection od Australian citizens first and foremost. What did they think the result would be. Sooner or later, if they fail to take corrective measures, civil war will break out and we will become like Gaza, Lebanon, and other war torn middle eastern countries.

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I'm English but almost every word here – maybe with just 'Australia' swapped out for England' resonates word-for-word.

Your passage about the arrogance reminded me about that Middle Eastern bloke a few weeks back who took photos of his British Citizenship ceremony, which he mocked and derided as "nationalist" and so on...

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I thought that case was horrible. British citizenship ceremony and he complained that it was ''nationalistic''

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OK, now for the ironic part: What voting demographic with great power in the MSM has been "all for" open borders and mass immigration into Western Countries again? A second question: what will be the logical consequences of the resulting shift from a high trust to a low trust society? Hmm, more censorship of "hate speech," no question, and a loss of civil liberties, alongside increased governmental surveillance. Funny how these things work. Gee wiz, I wonder what minority will leverage these increasingly centralized powers in order to further magnify the power they wield?

I don't wish you ill, good sir, nor do I disagree with your observations or concerns. I'm just pointing out that all who warned of this very foreseeable kind of outcome were for the last 4 decades called every name in the book and ignored. From Sweden to Germany to England to the US and Australia, it's the exact same story. And now the ugly reality becomes undeniable.

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It’s almost as if it was preordained to get a certain demographic up against a wall right? Wonder what happens next, could get spicy!

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It’s because Islam is a totalitarian religion. Meaning, that every Act and belief is solely a manifestation of political will. Islam has no morals and no values, only desires.

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Multiculturalism, Diversity, Inclusion. It’s a fairytale , it doesn’t work.

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Pair of lovelies. Just like the truck-ramming of crowds, mass rape, knife, gun and bomb attacks, drug dealing, gang warfare, their behaviour is just another Muslim way of saying, "gee, thanks for rescuing me from a shithole and giving me and my family a chance at a decent life."

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